Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Little Girl Wants The Holiday Extended, Forges A Letter To Her Parents. See Letter

It seems this holiday is too short and someone wants it extended. A 7-year-old girl seeking to extend winter break tried to fool her parents with a handwritten note explaining "the school company" needed an extra week off.

The forged note, shared by Reddit user locke-in-a-box, is written in marker and was delivered to the parents by their 7-year-old daughter, Cara, who told them she found it in the mailbox.

"The school company is taking a brake so the kids will get one more week of school off and we will need your child to sign their name here," read the note, which the girl signed "Cara G."

"We almost bought it until she said 'brake' not 'break,'" the Reddit user joked. "She's seven. With proper stationary and computer skills, years from now I'm in trouble."

Little Girl's Attempt to Extend Winter Break Goes Viral
WPIX - New York

Culled from UPI.com

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