Sunday, November 10, 2013


Some people know what to do, their likes and dislikes but do not know what they want. This is the anatomy of confusion and misery. When you deny your true feelings, you are denying yourself. That is why some talk one way, feel another way and still act another way.

If you hide your feelings too much, eventually you will begin to believe in your pretence.

To you, love means romance, ardent and passionate attraction. It means moonlight and roses. Your partner is your everything and love means the happy ending that has no ending.

To you, love does not mean buying a home and furnishing it together. It does not mean believing in your partner's dream. It does not mean sharing in the adventures, drudgery, excitement and heartaches of raising children together. It does not mean waiting on the fact that things will work out and sharing the other fellow's hopes, failures and plans. It is not sex.

Instead of finding a verbal definition of love that applies to all, substitute it to find what love means to you.

Nearly everyone wants to be loved and cared for, respected and appreciated. Nearly everyone wants to feel especially competent and efficient at something worthwhile. Nearly everyone wants to be understood and wants someone to know how he thinks and feel about things.

Very few people want to do these things to others.

Love is like a chair you want to sit on, the shape of which determines your posture. Your postuer determines how you want to re-adjust to fit in and be comfortable. Your chair is your love and don’t try and compare it with another fellow's chair.
Love means different things at different places, circumstances and situations. So love is what you make it to be.

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