Tuesday, December 22, 2015

One Good Deed... Busboy Rewarded for Returning lost $3k cash

Johnny Duckworth 'Thumper' who returned $3k in diner
Johnny Duckworth, known as "Thumper", was working his regular shift at Randy's Southside Diner in Grand Junction, Colorado, when he spotted the envelope lying on the floor.

Regular Darrell Cox had dropped the cash after stopping for breakfast and failed to realise the money was missing when he left.

Mr Duckworth, who has worked at the diner for nine years, immediately handed the money to his boss Randy Emmons, who discovered a pay slip inside and returned it to the bank where Mr Cox had withdrawn it.

Mr Emmons told FOX31 TV: "He walked up to me and said 'boss, I found this envelope, it feels like it has a lot of money in it'.

"And he handed it to me and walked away... and I opened the envelope up and there was 30 $100 bills. I couldn't believe it, I was shocked.

"Right now he's riding his bike back and forth to work, it's winter. And he gets his pay cheque garnished for medical bills he had to have."

After getting the money back, Mr Cox returned to the diner and gave Mr Duckworth $300 and a note on the same envelope which read: "Merry Christmas to a super honest guy."

Mr Duckworth said: "[It was] just laying on the floor, dead as a doorknob just laying there. It's not mine. I work for a living, I make money."

Mr Emmons set up a fundraiser on the GoFundMe website. So far, the site has raised more than $8,500 for "Thumper".

culled from Sky News

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