Monday, June 9, 2014

Ndi-ogo vs school boys at UNEC

Yea! We nailed it hard this time! Just take a good look at this...

“I’m bored,” she says.
Gallant knight he is, he delves into rosy speech, proposing a date and whatever. Her face assumes a bored expression.
“Translation, you don’t come around from town or from senior staff quarters, possibly without car. You don’t have the solutions to my problems.
He wonders why she complained to him in the first place
You see, in the other side of UNEC relationship, these girls see the guys as diaries. Diaries don’t talk or proffer solutions. They are kept in the dark corners of the closet. Slammed with the stories of activities and problems of ndi-ogo. They are usually dusted out of the dark closet on lonely nights when there are no ndi-ogos around.

Flatter him with talks of being your best friend, in other words, your best diary, the one that listens most. And he must be content with that. The moment he starts getting bigger ideas, stop calling him friend, call him my brother. Stop hugging him, give him chaste handshakes or pats in the back. He’ll get this message. If by accident you really, really care for him, don’t let him know! Remember, he is merely your school boy. Look out for ndi-ogo, they are the ones that pay. The new road they constructed near COSCHARI is for ndi-ogos to be having smooth rides.

Guys, if she calls you friend, be careful. Don’t get carried away. Think before going to her room. You may turn out to be very unwelcome. Who do you think that bearded hunk in the same room is waiting for, conspicuously jingling car keys in his hand? So, don’t make a fool of yourself. She knows the different between car keys and keys to an empty cupboard in IJ. She will most likely go for the car keys. Don’t sell your soul(or simply put your heart). It is not worth a Z10. Just make sure no girl reduces you to a monk lifestyle. At worst go down to Nsukka. The girls there are more beautiful, and more generous. Believe me, i know. And there are no Mr Biggs, no Bubbles, Coca-Cola Villa or Nourisha at Nsukka.

My momma told me that dating is basically for emotional support. Not just about putting airtime in phone or visiting reigning joints in town. Its abut someone you will want to relieve a day’s stress with, share problems and triumphs and have a lot of fun in the process. What about sex and marriage? I think both are the by-product of a good relationship, certainly not the end product. Good relationships go beyond sex and marriage.
But that’s just my momma talking. What does she know? This is UNEC!

Very funny, very funny. That’s all i can say. The note above sounds like the person writing it has a complex. Or is he biased? So what if the school guys are dumped for ndi-ogos? Let them face reality. Na empty cupboard girls go chop?
Every human being likes good things. No one would see gold and go for ash. So just brave up to the fact that school boys don’t have but should be determined to have in future. The thing is that this is just a vicious circle. The ndi-ogos were once intimidated students and one day, school guys will become ndi-ogos themselves.
Lets face the fact. 80% of girls that go out with ndi-ogos do so because they know that their biological clock is ticking, and with ndi-ogo, there is more certainty with marriage, unlike school guys who are even afraid to talk to their parents.
About the friend issue, that described above is pathetic. I don’t want to believe that girls are that callous. Why the writer got so personal about the thing is that he might have a crush on one of his various confidant. If not, he would just see the girl’s gigt as just a story, and he would even proffer his own escapades
To end on a truthful note, not all these ogo girls are really happy in their relationship. But the writer above. But if the writer can show with evidence school relationships that have started, bonded and survived the years in school to the outside world; if he just show me and my friends 10 of such relationships, we promise to start by dating him.

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