Sunday, October 13, 2013

Life in Federal Government College Enugu

Teenagers from all nooks and crannies of the country gather to be admitted into the prestigious FEDERAL GOVERNMENT COLLEGE ENUGU. With close observation,one would notice differences in their character and so on,bt all the same,they arrive with one motive,and that is to read and pass through the school in flying colours. But could these people maintain this motive and leave without regrets? To the students of today,its at most a mirage. One tries to adapt in the school and notice a difference in the ways of her people. They try to look 'cool and feel cool' and also behave cool and everyone answers guy or babe,or even niggers. You get fascinated by all these and try to belong in the new trend to avoid being called an 'unblé'. You try to be sophisticated,and learn all the techniques of guys. Then of thanks to yourself. "Wait a sec,im different! I aint be 'solo'",before you know it,you are immersed in the big guys' way and try to 'blend' with your fellow niggers. Down into your senior class,you wil realise the need for show. "Chicks wil notice me if i behave like this". Well those are the same girls u knew in Juniour Class, girls u chatted freely with then. The only difference now is increase in age and maturity,but according to Boyle's law both your ratio are still in equillibrum. You become shy when talking to them,you try to 'gather liver' before confronting them,but with ur treble voice and treble voice,u walk with pride feeling their eyes on you. You forget the lessons thought in class which u put as teacher 'pouring dust',and u spend ur time with other truants also called 'stabbers' staring at girls and gisting about them. You listen carefully when they talk of their nightly exploits and 'fun' with girls and their experiences in different nite parties and clubbing, all these make u want to belong. Ok,this is just the begining. Being a boarder u hv paid the normal fees of N6,650,therefore should be rendered good services worth the amount. But, no! You cant eat the school food,why? "Girls are in ref". You must not reach the refectory to avoid the impression that u are hungry, and when u even try to come,just having a hunch that a babe is watching wil make your food fall frm ur fork. Well,if u r in ur final year u send someone to smuggle food out of the ref for u,when he fails,u lash out stars from his eyes! U bear the hunger nd hope he wuldnt fuck up nxt tym. If u r nt yet a finalist,u walk back to the dorm,ur stomach threatens u and u hide in the box room to drink a 3hr old emergency bowl of 'soaks' or garri. All these cos there are sowe idle boys who tell girls about other boys in dorm! Meanwhile this soaks that is drank at home on a steady basis at least once a day. But displayed in your locker are empty packets of chocolate and milk and rusty old quaker oat cans,hmm everything 'na wash' or camouflage. Feeling proud of yourself,u think of ur achivements and realise dat u havnt achieved the main thing which is to 'rap a chick'. You make a list of girls and start eliminating them one by one then at last you mark one who would make you a 'don' if seen moving with her.You pick a dictionary and make supliments of vocabulary. If you arent haffled up u end up borrowing cash and kind. Plans are made and you wait for the appointed day. You are with the babe at the canteen known as the students' 'center' during break where the whole 'federal' can see you. Then u buy the whole center and munch your brains out. Alas comes the moment when you have to pour the lyrics. After being bored by your shakespearean vibes,she looks at u straight in the eyes and asks,''is that all?'' Next thing you see is her back view as she leaves the building. You want to shed tears but as a 'big boy' u 'maintained' so that you wont 'fall hands'. Noticing that your pocket is empty,you think of your life as if scales have fallen off your eyes. Apart from being feather weight,you now have nothing to boast of in school. You dont even have plans of returning the things u borrowed. Exams are around the corner,u havent opened a book since,apart from love stories. Why cant i just be a 'carton man'? I could have cut my hair once a term instead of weekly,why didnt anyone warn me? If you were warned,would u have listened? These are the risks students have to face in Federal;the things you have to overcome-when you want to be hot!!


  1. Samuel, I am proud of you. Expect the novel I will write about the experience.

  2. Thanks, I await it, more over u stayed in dorm totaly
