Friday, December 6, 2013


Some people believe that God is just a myth. If one tries too convince a friend that God exists, the most common statement is "prove it". We are really going to prove it here.

The questioned existence of God is invariably backed up with the theory of evolution-that is, if one doesn't believe in God, he or she is most likely to embrace the theory of evolution. You weren't just born to be the way you are, either you believe that evolution is responsible for you and other living creatures or that God made you and other forms of life. People believe in evolution either because they have been convinced after an extensive research, or they were taught at school, or maybe they believe because they want to belong. My aim here is to lead you in the right track if you are almost beginning to doubt Gods existence or lead you to the right track if you have been living in ignorance.

There is no proof for the theory of evolution. It is just a theory and is not based on proof. However, the belief and knowledge about God answers the question of how our natural environment came to be and how we are the highest animal on the planet and are the way we are-intelligent, skillful and sophisticated. Could this be the work of evolution or the work of an Almighty creator? The Holy Bible is the best prove that God exists, obviously because it contains instructions and serves as manufacturer's manual to guide man, His product, on a successful existence in his environment.
There is no account for the origin of life and things and life by the theory of evolution. Many geologists and biologists confess that they don't know the possibility of life evolving from inanimate matter. Life can only come from life. There is no way science can explain the origin of life on earth.

How do you know, among numerous gods that your god exists? There are many religions, with gods more numerous than the religions. Many religions have gods that were carved by men out of wood, clay, stone etc. While some other gods are works of human imagination and reasoning. Surprisingly, most of these 'false' religions have their own creation stories and stories about human existence. Most of these gods, especially the ones fashioned out of wood, clay, golden or any other material are made to be seen as active and responsive by human beliefs or by demons. The truth is, these happen to further draw people from God.

People believe that they are in most times helpless(reference to the hurricane that happened in the Philippines on November 2013 that made people, even the atheists seek God's help). Religions believe that there is a maker who made all things, they also believe that there are certain guidelines for man to follow to live a comfortable life. There is also the belief that death is not the end of man--there is an afterlife event. Evolution theory does not explain in details how life began, neither does it explain how to live and function properly in our environment and what becomes of the soul after death, see m=1what you should know about death. Note that, science does not that humans have a soul or spirit rather it admits that bio plasma which slowly disappears some time after death lives in man.

In the Holy Bible, God outlined in detail His creation activities. This makes it clear that creation is the proof of God. In the Bible, he also showed how man should relate with Him and his fellow men, giving life to the dead and giving us a glimpse of what happens after death.

Did you ever wonder about the vast difference between human mind and animal brain? This, incidentally, is another proof that evolution is false!
The physical brain of higher vertebrates is essentially the same in physical form, design, constituents as human brain. The brains of whales, elephants, dolphins are larger--and chimp almost as large. Yet, the output of human brain is indescribably greater. Few know indeed, why!
Reason is, the spirit which endows man with the ability to think, though it cannot think on its own. This spirit was given by God to man alone to enable personal relationship with Him and man(Genesis 2:7).
A scientist, Lyall Watson in one of his books wrote " I can see no way of accounting for the meaningful, directed, intelligent guidance of this kind, without assuming that there is an organization or a design behind all life that goes beyond natural selection, chance, causality and even the complete survival of an integrated personality" and he went further to write thus " I am driven to the conclusion that there is a form in the void. You may call it God if you like". He actually wrote this on the account of his encounter with psychic surgery which I myself believe is in somehow satanic! see Jesus at gethsamane- a lesson for us

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