Saturday, November 30, 2013

Who is my friend?

Poem, written on 6th March 2012

Who is my friend
The one I call my friend
That person who takes me as I am
That person who is tender, kind and gentle
That person who rebukes me when I'm wrong
That person who can see who I am in the inside and not love me for my outward disposition.
That person who looks into my eyes and says "I see someone great inside"
That person who brings out the best in me
I will always call my friend

They say love is beautiful
They say love bears all things
They say love is kind
All these My friend fulfill
Because I fulfill them
Our love waxes stronger
We are so compatible

Whenever they see my tear, they dry it up
Whenever I fall, they help me stand
Whenever I rejoice, they rejoice
Whenever I weep, they weep
Whenever I encounter the difficult part of life, they are always there to assist me.
They give all their time and to them I pledge to give all I have
You have been a friend in need
Whenever I see, I smile and say to myself " I will always love you and you will always be in my heart".

-- By Ogbonna Chidiebube Samuel

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